nmap이란 ?

최대 1 분 소요

nmap 이란?

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and widely used open-source network scanning and reconnaissance tool. It is designed to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus providing valuable information about network infrastructure and security.

nmap == 오픈소스 툴
to 네트워크를 스캔하기위한 툴
의미있는 정보를 제공 (네트워크 인프라와 관련되거나 보안과 관련된 정보)

Nmap falls into the category of “network scanning tools” or “network exploration tools.” These tools are used to probe and analyze network systems, identify open ports, detect vulnerabilities, and map the network topology. Nmap, in particular, is highly versatile and offers a range of features for network discovery, port scanning, service/version detection, OS fingerprinting, and more.


특정서버의 network system을 분석하기위한용도로 사용됨
특정 포트가 열려있는지 (포트스캐닝) 확인
or 네트워크 검색 확인
or OS fingerprinting 등…

