Hypertext Transfer Protocol
it’s foundation of data communication on the WWW(World Wide Web) client sends an HTTP to the server, Then the server responds with an HTTP resonse that includes the requested resource
데이터를 주고받기위한 서버와 사용자간의 프로토콜이다.
HTTP is a stateless protoocl, which means that each request and response is independent of any previous requests or responses, This allows HTTP to be efficient, as each request only contains the information necessary to fulfill that request, and it also simplifies the implementation of web servers and clients
- stateless
상태정보를 저장하지않는 특징을 가지고있다.
각각의 요청은 오로지 필요한정보만 포함함(요청을 수행하는데 필요한정보)
또, 웹서버 및 클라이언트의 구현을 단순화하여 효율성