what is openstack

최대 1 분 소요


OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that allows you to create and manage a private or public cloud infrastructure. It provides a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for various purposes, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking.

openstack == 오픈소스(클라우드 컴퓨팅 플랫폼구축을 위한)


OpenStack is designed to be highly scalable and flexible, enabling you to create and manage large-scale cloud environments. It follows a modular architecture, where different components work together to provide the desired cloud services. Some of the core components of OpenStack include

기능별로 쪼개져있는 컴포넌트들(core)
그리고 컴포넌트들이 다같이 클라우드서비스를 제공


  1. Nova == EC2
    VM 제공 및 compute 리소스 매니징 in OpenStack
  2. Neutron == VPC
    network, router, LB 매니징
  3. Cinder == EBS
    독립적인 스토리지가 아님
    Volumn(EBS) attach or detach
  4. Swift == S3
    Object Storage 제공
  5. Glance == AMI
    VM Image 기능 제공
  6. Keystone == IAM
  7. Horizon == AWS 콘솔
    웹콘솔 to 클라우드 리소스를 프로비저닝하기위한

Quick Start

  1. 가상머신준비
    OpenStack을 배포할 머신을 준비한다.
  2. OpenStack 설치
    패키지매니저를통해 머신에 OpenStack을 설치