maven vs gradle
maven vs gradle
Maven and Gradle are both popular build automation tools used in Java and other programming languages. While they serve similar purposes, there are some key differences between Maven and Gradle:
Maven과 Gradle은 컴파일러다
Java파일을 컴파일하기위한 컴파일러
매우유사지만 몇가지다른점이있다
차이점 1:
Configuration and Syntax:
Maven: Maven uses an XML-based configuration format. Projects are defined using a Project Object Model (POM) file, which contains XML configurations for dependencies, build settings, and other project details. Gradle: Gradle uses a Groovy-based or Kotlin-based DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for project configuration. The DSL provides a more expressive and flexible syntax compared to XML.
Syntax가 다름
Maven == XML 기반(pom.xml)
Gradle == Groovy, Kotlin기반(build.gradle)
차이점 2:
Dependency Management:
Maven: Maven has a centralized repository called Maven Central, which is widely used for dependency management. Dependencies are defined in the POM file using XML-based syntax, specifying the artifact coordinates (groupId, artifactId, version). Gradle: Gradle also supports Maven Central as a repository, but it also allows the use of other repositories like JCenter or custom repositories. Dependencies are defined in the build.gradle file using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL, making it more concise and readable.
의존성 관리방식
Maven == Maven Centeral, XML방식
Gradle == Maven Centeral + JCenter, DSL방식 사용
차이점 3:
Build Lifecycle and Plugins:
Maven: Maven has a predefined build lifecycle with distinct phases, such as compile, test, package, install, and deploy. Plugins are available for different tasks, and the build process is controlled by invoking specific Maven goals. Gradle: Gradle provides a flexible and customizable build lifecycle using tasks. It uses the concept of “convention over configuration,” where many tasks are automatically inferred based on project structure and naming conventions. Gradle supports various plugins, allowing developers to extend and customize the build process easily.
애플리케이션을 배포하기위한 각 단계별 구분(?)
Maven == 명확한 단계로 나누어져있는 빌드사이클 (컴파일, 테스트, 패키지, install, deploy ..)
Gradle == 사용자가 입맛대로 커스터마이징해 사용
Gradle에서는 Task단위를 사용한다.
Task를 만들고 사용자가 정의를하게 끔 유도 사용자가 커스터마이징 해 사용
차이점 4:
Performance and Incremental Builds:
Maven: Maven relies on a local repository and downloads dependencies if they are not already present. It performs a checksum-based verification to ensure consistency but requires downloading and resolving dependencies during each build, which can slow down the build process. Gradle: Gradle uses a highly efficient incremental build system. It caches build outputs, including dependencies, and only rebuilds what is necessary based on the changes in source files. This makes Gradle faster for subsequent builds, especially in large projects.
Maven == 로컬레포지토리에 의존성이 없는경우
설치해 사용. 설치하고 체크섬기반으로 검증절차를 밟기때문에 속도적인측면에서 느림
종속성과 빌드물을 캐싱해서 변경사항으로인한 필요한 부분만 재구성하기 때문에 속도가 빠름.
차이점 5:
Community and Ecosystem:
Maven: Maven has been around longer and has a large and mature ecosystem. It has extensive documentation, a wide range of plugins, and strong community support. Gradle: Gradle has gained popularity for its flexibility and modern approach to build automation. It also has a growing ecosystem with a good selection of plugins and active community support. Choosing between Maven and Gradle depends on factors such as personal preference, project requirements, team familiarity, and ecosystem support. Both tools are capable and widely used, so it’s worth evaluating their features and characteristics to determine which one best suits your needs.
생태계 크기
Maven > Gradle
Maven이 아직 역사가 길고 큰 생태계(커뮤니티 + 더 많은 플러그인)를 포괄
Gradle은 좀더 모던한 빌드자동화 생태계가 커지는중이라 요약할 수 있음
오늘의 한줄평
적재적소에 맞게 쓰자