getting start docker with colima

1 분 소요


Since macOS doesn’t natively support Docker’s underlying Linux kernel features, you need a lightweight virtual machine (VM) to run the Docker daemon.

colima == vm (to start docker daemon) (리눅스의 커널기반의 기능들을 미제공)

Colima is optimized for local development environments where portability and simplicity are more important than performance or stability. It is not designed to match the production-grade reliability of container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or directly running Docker on Linux servers.

단순성에 포커싱되어 설계되었고(성능, 사용성보다) 개발환경에 적합
k8s, docker swarm처럼 운영환경을 위해 설계된 도구가 아님

Colima uses QEMU to emulate Linux on macOS. While this works well for development, it adds overhead, especially when handling large-scale workloads. For production environments, running Docker containers natively on a Linux server offers significantly better performance and stability. Compatibility Concerns (x86 vs ARM)

리눅스 에뮬레이트를 위해 QEMU를 사용 큰 규모인환경에서 사용시 overhead 비용 지불 필요

Apple Silicon (ARM) architecture can cause compatibility issues with certain Docker images, which may be built for x86-64 (amd64). Although Docker and Colima support multi-architecture builds, using ARM in production can still lead to unexpected issues with libraries, binaries, or images that are not ARM-compatible. Not Built for High Availability

Silicon Mac(ARM) 환경에서는 호환성 문제가 발생할 수 있음 Docker와 Colima는 다중 아키텍쳐환경도 지원하지만
Production 환경에서 사용하기엔 라이브러리, 바이너리, 이미지에대해 호환성이슈가 발생할 수 있고, 고가용성에 대해 설계되어있지 않음

Colima lacks the features required for production, such as clustering, failover mechanisms, or container orchestration at scale. It’s not a substitute for tools like Kubernetes or dedicated Linux-based Docker environments. Lack of Enterprise-Grade Support

운영환경에서 사용하기에는 기능 부족 (클러스터링, failover)


$ brew install colima



